Thursday, February 28, 2013

The no- go's

As I stated earlier somewhere around here, my blog will be dedicated to mostly food, love and being in it as we'll as my new found passion for fitness. Being that food is naturally most important (sorry D) I figured I would start there. However, rambling on with forty pages of all my favorite foods seems next to impossible not to mention pointless in reading so I figure I'll go the easy and less time consuming route. Although they are few and far between, there are some things not even this girl digs eating. So, I think it's necessary to get it all on the table (ha,lame) and let it be known that there are some appetite suppressing and gag reflex inducing things I'd rather not put in my mouth...

1. Canned tuna
  Minus the fact it smells like wet cat food, even I sometimes crave the shit. But the amounts of mustard, mayo, pickles and onions I have to use to make it edible hardly seems worth it.

2. Menudo
   For those of you that are unsure as to what menudo is, it's a traditional Mexican soup, often chile-based and loaded with honking chunks of tripe. Don't know what tripe is? It's beef stomach. Yep, chewy hunks of cow stomach swimming around in red broth... Sick. If only it was just posole. (More on posole later)

3. Swiss cheese
   I've been an avid cheese lover my whole life. Just look at my wings, I mean triceps, they can vouch. I have no explanation for not liking it, it is my mother's favorite. I've just never been into it.

4. Bleu cheese
   I know, I know! Most of you are screaming "What"!? (Especially D). A cheese lover that doesn't love bleu cheese? Once again, I don't have much of an explanation, it's not even that funky of a cheese. It's just kinda bleh.

5. Casseroles
   For some of you, casseroles are comfort food. For me, casseroles bring back ridiculous memories of living in Minnesota as a child and enduring the weeks leftovers smothered in creamy, condensed soups. No thanks.

6. Misc
   Lets get on with it, shall we? If it's potted meat or canned fish of any sort, I'm not doing it. Mint/chocolate combo? No thanks. (Sorry thin mints, samoas are my thang) bread and butter pickles? Meh, I'm a zesty girl myself.

I'm glad we've established some boundaries. It feels really good to just get it all out there so you really know who you're dealing with. That way, when you'd like to share your favorite tuna noodle casserole recipe in here, you know that shit won't fly.

P.s. I am REALLY new to the blogging world and I'm not an English teacher so do me a favor and cut me some slack.

P.s.s It's Denver Restaurant Week and D and I have a hot date at Row 14. Details to follow.